Snow Blower at Current Power Machinery

How to Find the Right Snow Blower For You

There are three types of snow blowers. Here are the important things to know before buying a snow blower.
If you weren’t as prepared for winter storms as you’d hoped to be, it’s never too late to start thinking about snow blower purchase. But before heading out to the store, do your research to arm yourself with the right information so you get the product that best fits your needs.
Current Power Machinery offers single stage, two stage and three-stage Honda & Toro snow blowers to get the job done. We helped identify some key questions to ask to help you find the right machine for your needs — no matter where you live.

Types of Snow Blower:

1. Single Stage: Single-stage snow blowers are ideal for smaller jobs like sidewalks, walkways and short driveways. They are lighter, compact and easier to handle than two-stage models, but they are only suitable if you get 8 inches or less of snow. On a single-stage snow blower, an auger (the blades you see in front of the blower) directs the snow straight throw a discharge chute. The auger makes contact with the surface you are clearing so it should only be used on a paved surface.

2. Two Stage : A two-stage snow blower has power assisted wheels which helps when clearing on slopes and large areas. On a two-stage snow thrower the auger collects the snow and a fan then discharges the snow through a chute which throws the snow faster and farther away. The auger on a two-stage thrower does not contact the surface so it can be used over gravel or dirt.

3. Three Stage : A three-stage blower is like a turbo-charged two-stage. It operates the same way but has an accelerator that moves much faster than an auger and is used for clearing heavy/wet snow quickly.

How much snow do you get in an average snowfall?
Different snow blowers have different capacities. “A single-stage snow thrower handles up to 9 inches on average, and a larger snow thrower has an intake of 22 inches and can handle quite a bit more snow in one shot.

What type of surface will you be using it on?
If you’ll be clearing snow off a gravel or loose stone surface: You’ll need a two-stage thrower. A single-stage will turn your snow thrower into a rock thrower.

What kind of snow do you usually get?
It takes a different amount of force and power to move wet snow versus the light and fluffy stuff. One , two or three-stage snow throwers have different size engine options.

How large is the area you’re going to clear?
If your driveway is wide enough for three cars side by side, you’ll want something different than someone with a much smaller area. Larger units will clear more snow with every pass.

Current Power Machinery has been providing quality support to our Residential and Commercial customer’s from our Clarkson Village location for over 42 years. Our philosophy has always centered on educating our customers so that they can make informed decisions on any purchase of any new snow blowers and for the necessary repairs and maintenance of their existing tools. We are proud to represent the following product lines for snow removal. We carry the most common models in stock at all times and can source all other products from these suppliers on request. For more details contact us or visit us on: